This article talks about Quashing of FIR by Mediation


In India, the criminal justice system is often burdened with a large number of pending cases, including First Information Reports (FIRs) filed against individuals. However, in certain cases, the quashing of FIR by mediation can be a viable alternative to the lengthy and expensive court proceedings. This article will delve into the process of quashing an FIR through mediation as per Indian law.

Understanding the Quashing of FIR by Mediation

Quashing of FIR refers to the process of nullifying the charges filed against an individual by the police. Mediation, on the other hand, is a form of alternative dispute resolution where a neutral third party helps the parties involved in a dispute to reach a mutually acceptable solution. In the context of quashing an FIR, mediation can be used to facilitate a settlement between the complainant and the accused, leading to the withdrawal of the charges.

Legal Provisions for Quashing of FIR by Mediation

In India, the process of quashing an FIR by mediation is governed by Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. This section empowers the High Court to exercise its inherent powers to quash criminal proceedings in cases where it deems it necessary to do so in the interest of justice. The court may consider the possibility of settlement through mediation as a ground for quashing the FIR.

Process of Quashing an FIR by Mediation

The process of quashing an FIR by mediation typically involves the following steps:
1. Filing a petition: The accused can file a petition before the High Court seeking the quashing of the FIR on the grounds of settlement through mediation.
2. Mediation proceedings: Upon the court’s approval, the parties involved in the case, along with their legal representatives, can engage in mediation proceedings to reach a settlement.
3. Settlement agreement: If the parties reach a mutually acceptable settlement, the terms of the agreement are submitted to the court for approval.
4. Quashing of FIR: Upon the court’s satisfaction with the settlement, it may quash the FIR, bringing an end to the criminal proceedings.


The quashing of an FIR through mediation can be a viable option for resolving criminal disputes in India. It provides a means for the parties involved to reach a mutually acceptable settlement, thereby avoiding the lengthy and expensive court proceedings. However, the process is subject to the approval of the court and the willingness of the parties to engage in mediation. It is essential to seek legal advice and guidance to navigate the complexities of quashing an FIR through mediation as per Indian law.

FAQs on Quashing of FIR by Mediation

1. Can any FIR be quashed through mediation?
Answer: Not all FIRs can be quashed through mediation. The court will consider the nature of the case and the possibility of a settlement before granting permission for mediation.

2. What are the grounds for quashing an FIR through mediation?
Answer: The court may consider the possibility of a settlement between the parties as a ground for quashing the FIR.

3. What are the advantages of quashing an FIR through mediation?
Answer: Quashing an FIR through mediation can save time and resources for both the parties involved and the court. It also provides an opportunity for an amicable resolution of the dispute.

4. Is the consent of the complainant required for quashing an FIR through mediation?
Answer: Yes, the consent of the complainant is essential for the quashing of an FIR through mediation.

5. Can a settlement reached through mediation be enforced?
Answer: Yes, a settlement reached through mediation can be enforced as a legally binding agreement.

6. What happens if the parties fail to reach a settlement through mediation?
Answer: If the parties fail to reach a settlement through mediation, the criminal proceedings will continue as per the regular legal process.

7. Can a lawyer represent the parties in mediation proceedings for quashing an FIR?
Answer: Yes, the parties can be represented by their legal representatives in mediation proceedings for quashing an FIR.

8. How long does the process of quashing an FIR through mediation take?
Answer: The duration of the process can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the willingness of the parties to reach a settlement.

9. Can a quashed FIR be reopened in the future?
Answer: Once an FIR is quashed through mediation, it cannot be reopened unless there are exceptional circumstances.

10. What are the documents required for filing a petition for quashing an FIR through mediation?
Answer: The petition for quashing an FIR through mediation should include the details of the case, the grounds for seeking quashing, and the terms of the proposed settlement.

11. Can a case be quashed at the police station level through mediation?
Answer: No, the quashing of an FIR through mediation can only be done by the High Court.

12. Is mediation mandatory for quashing an FIR?
Answer: Mediation is not mandatory for quashing an FIR, but it can be used as a means to facilitate a settlement between the parties.

13. Can a quashed FIR affect the future prospects of the accused?
Answer: A quashed FIR does not amount to a conviction, and it should not affect the future prospects of the accused.

14. What are the costs involved in quashing an FIR through mediation?
Answer: The costs involved in quashing an FIR through mediation may include legal fees, mediation fees, and court fees.

15. Can a settlement reached through mediation be challenged in the future?
Answer: A settlement reached through mediation can be challenged only on limited grounds, such as fraud or coercion.

16. Can a quashed FIR be expunged from the records?
Answer: A quashed FIR can be expunged from the records upon the court’s order.

17. What are the limitations of quashing an FIR through mediation?
Answer: Quashing an FIR through mediation is subject to the approval of the court and the willingness of the parties to reach a settlement.

18. Can a quashed FIR be used as evidence in future legal proceedings?
Answer: A quashed FIR cannot be used as evidence in future legal proceedings, as it has been nullified by the court.

19. Can a quashed FIR affect the reputation of the accused?
Answer: A quashed FIR should not affect the reputation of the accused, as it does not amount to a conviction.

20. What are the consequences of violating the terms of a settlement reached through mediation?
Answer: Violating the terms of a settlement reached through mediation can result in legal consequences, such as the revival of the criminal proceedings.

21. Can a settlement reached through mediation be modified in the future?
Answer: A settlement reached through mediation can be modified only with the consent of the parties involved.

22. Are there any specific guidelines for mediation in quashing an FIR?
Answer: The guidelines for mediation in quashing an FIR may vary depending on the court and the nature of the case.

23. Can a quashed FIR affect the employment prospects of the accused?
Answer: A quashed FIR should not affect the employment prospects of the accused, as it does not amount to a conviction.

24. Can a quashed FIR be used as a basis for filing a civil suit?
Answer: A quashed FIR cannot be used as a basis for filing a civil suit, as it has been nullified by the court.

25. Can the complainant withdraw the charges after the quashing of an FIR through mediation?
Answer: Once the FIR is quashed through mediation, the complainant cannot withdraw the charges, as the case has been settled and nullified by the court.


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