This article talks about  FIR cancellation strategies


FIR, which stands for First Information Report, is a crucial legal document that is filed with the police to report a criminal offense. Once an FIR is registered, it sets in motion the process of investigation and legal action against the accused. However, there are instances where individuals may want to explore the possibility of cancelling an FIR. This could be due to various reasons such as a false complaint, lack of evidence, or the settlement of a dispute between the parties involved. In this article, we will explore the FIR cancellation strategies in India, the legal options available, and the process to follow.

Understanding the FIR Cancellation Process in India

In India, the process of FIR cancellation is governed by the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. Section 154 of the CrPC lays down the procedure for the registration of an FIR, while Section 169 provides for the cancellation of an FIR. According to Section 169, a police officer has the authority to cancel an FIR if he is satisfied that there are no sufficient grounds for investigating the case. However, it is important to note that the power to cancel an FIR lies solely with the police, and the complainant cannot directly approach the police station for the cancellation of an FIR.

FIR cancellation strategies

There are certain legal grounds on which an FIR can be cancelled in India. Some of the common grounds for FIR cancellation include:

1. Lack of evidence: If the police investigation reveals that there is insufficient evidence to support the allegations made in the FIR, the police may consider cancelling the FIR.

2. Settlement between the parties: In cases where the parties involved in the dispute have reached a settlement and do not wish to pursue the case further, the FIR may be cancelled.

3. False complaint: If it is established that the FIR was filed with malicious intent or based on false allegations, the police may consider cancelling the FIR.

4. No cognizable offense: If the allegations made in the FIR do not constitute a cognizable offense, the police may cancel the FIR.

Procedure for FIR Cancellation

The procedure for FIR cancellation in India involves the following steps:

1. Application to the Superintendent of Police: The complainant or the accused can file an application for FIR cancellation with the Superintendent of Police (SP) of the district where the FIR was registered. The application should clearly state the grounds on which the FIR is sought to be cancelled and should be supported by relevant documents and evidence.

2. Investigation by the police: Upon receiving the application for FIR cancellation, the SP may direct the police to conduct an investigation into the matter. The police will then examine the grounds for cancellation and submit a report to the SP.

3. Decision by the SP: Based on the investigation report and other relevant factors, the SP will take a decision on whether to cancel the FIR. If the SP is satisfied that there are valid grounds for cancellation, he may issue an order for the cancellation of the FIR.

4. Filing of a petition in court: If the SP refuses to cancel the FIR, the complainant or the accused can file a petition in the High Court or the Sessions Court seeking the cancellation of the FIR. The court will then hear the matter and pass an appropriate order based on the merits of the case.

Legal Options for FIR Cancellation

In addition to the above-mentioned procedure, there are certain legal options available for FIR cancellation in India. These include:

1. Quashing of FIR by the High Court: Under Section 482 of the CrPC, the High Court has the inherent power to quash criminal proceedings if it is satisfied that the FIR is frivolous, vexatious, or an abuse of the process of law. The High Court may quash the FIR if it finds that there is no prima facie case against the accused.

2. Compromise between the parties: In cases where the parties involved in the dispute have reached a compromise, they can file a joint application before the court seeking the quashing of the FIR. The court may consider the compromise and quash the FIR if it is satisfied that the parties have settled the matter amicably.

3. Settlement through mediation: In certain cases, the parties may opt for mediation to resolve the dispute and reach a settlement. If the mediation is successful and the parties agree to withdraw the FIR, the court may quash the FIR based on the settlement agreement.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on FIR Cancellation in India

1. Can an FIR be cancelled by the complainant?

No, the power to cancel an FIR lies solely with the police. The complainant cannot directly approach the police station for the cancellation of an FIR.

2. What is the procedure for FIR cancellation in India?

The procedure for FIR cancellation involves filing an application with the Superintendent of Police, who will then direct the police to conduct an investigation into the matter and take a decision on whether to cancel the FIR.

3. What are the legal grounds for FIR cancellation?

Some of the common legal grounds for FIR cancellation include lack of evidence, settlement between the parties, false complaint, and no cognizable offense.

4. Can the High Court quash an FIR?

Yes, the High Court has the inherent power to quash criminal proceedings if it is satisfied that the FIR is frivolous, vexatious, or an abuse of the process of law.

5. Can a compromise between the parties lead to the quashing of an FIR?

Yes, if the parties involved in the dispute reach a compromise and file a joint application before the court, the court may consider the compromise and quash the FIR.

6. Is it possible to settle a dispute through mediation and quash the FIR?

Yes, if the parties opt for mediation and reach a settlement, the court may quash the FIR based on the settlement agreement.

7. Can an FIR be cancelled if the allegations are found to be false?

Yes, if it is established that the FIR was filed with malicious intent or based on false allegations, the police may consider cancelling the FIR.

8. What is the role of the Superintendent of Police in the FIR cancellation process?

The Superintendent of Police is responsible for considering applications for FIR cancellation, directing the police to conduct an investigation, and taking a decision on whether to cancel the FIR.

9. What is the time frame for FIR cancellation in India?

The time frame for FIR cancellation can vary depending on the circumstances of the case and the decision of the police or the court.

10. Can an accused file a petition for the quashing of an FIR in court?

Yes, if the Superintendent of Police refuses to cancel the FIR, the accused can file a petition in the High Court or the Sessions Court seeking the quashing of the FIR.

11. What are the documents required for FIR cancellation?

The application for FIR cancellation should be supported by relevant documents and evidence to substantiate the grounds for cancellation.

12. Can an FIR be cancelled if there is a lack of evidence?

Yes, if the police investigation reveals that there is insufficient evidence to support the allegations made in the FIR, the police may consider cancelling the FIR.

13. What is the procedure for filing a petition in court for the quashing of an FIR?

The accused can file a petition in the High Court or the Sessions Court seeking the quashing of the FIR, and the court will then hear the matter and pass an appropriate order based on the merits of the case.

14. Can an FIR be cancelled if the parties have reached a settlement?

Yes, if the parties involved in the dispute have reached a settlement and do not wish to pursue the case further, the FIR may be cancelled.

15. Can the police cancel an FIR without conducting an investigation?

No, the police are required to conduct an investigation into the grounds for FIR cancellation before taking a decision on whether to cancel the FIR.

16. Can a compromise between the parties be considered for FIR cancellation?

Yes, if the parties file a joint application before the court seeking the quashing of the FIR based on a compromise, the court may consider the compromise and quash the FIR.

17. Can an FIR be cancelled if the allegations do not constitute a cognizable offense?

Yes, if the allegations made in the FIR do not constitute a cognizable offense, the police may cancel the FIR.

18. What is the role of the police in the FIR cancellation process?

The police are responsible for conducting an investigation into the grounds for FIR cancellation and submitting a report to the Superintendent of Police for a decision on whether to cancel the FIR.

19. Can an FIR be cancelled if it is found to be frivolous or vexatious?

Yes, the High Court has the inherent power to quash criminal proceedings if it is satisfied that the FIR is frivolous, vexatious, or an abuse of the process of law.

20. Can an FIR be cancelled if the complainant wishes to withdraw the complaint?

No, the complainant cannot directly approach the police for the cancellation of an FIR. The power to cancel an FIR lies solely with the police.

21. What is the process for settling a dispute through mediation and quashing the FIR?

If the parties opt for mediation and reach a settlement, they can file a joint application before the court seeking the quashing of the FIR based on the settlement agreement.

22. Can an FIR be cancelled if the complainant admits that the allegations are false?

Yes, if it is established that the FIR was filed with malicious intent or based on false allegations, the police may consider cancelling the FIR.

23. Can an FIR be cancelled if the accused provides evidence to disprove the allegations?

Yes, if the accused provides evidence to disprove the allegations made in the FIR, the police may consider cancelling the FIR.

24. Can an FIR be cancelled if the parties agree to settle the dispute out of court?

Yes, if the parties agree to settle the dispute out of court and file a joint application before the court, the court may consider the settlement and quash the FIR.

25. Can an FIR be cancelled if the police fail to gather sufficient evidence during the investigation?

Yes, if the police investigation reveals that there is insufficient evidence to support the allegations made in the FIR, the police may consider cancelling the FIR.


The process of FIR cancellation in India involves various legal options and procedures, including the filing of an application with the Superintendent of Police, the investigation by the police, and the possibility of seeking the quashing of the FIR in court. It is important to understand the legal grounds for FIR cancellation and the role of the police and the court in the process. Individuals seeking to explore the possibility of cancelling an FIR should seek legal advice and guidance to navigate the complexities of the legal system and ensure that their rights are protected.


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