This article talks about legal justice system critique.


The legal justice system in India has been a subject of intense scrutiny and criticism for many years. While it is designed to ensure equality, fairness, and justice for all, there are significant challenges that hinder its effectiveness. This article will provide a detailed critique of the legal justice system in India, examining its strengths and weaknesses, and offering recommendations for improvement.

The Structure of the Legal Justice System in India

The legal justice system in India is a complex and multifaceted network of laws, courts, and legal institutions. It is governed by the Constitution of India, which lays down the framework for the administration of justice. The system is divided into three main branches – the legislative, the executive, and the judiciary. The judiciary, which is the focus of this article, consists of the Supreme Court, High Courts, District Courts, and various tribunals.

Legal justice system critique

Despite the well-defined structure, the legal justice system in India faces several challenges that impede its smooth functioning. One of the most pressing issues is the backlog of cases in courts. As of December 2020, there were over 35 million pending cases in Indian courts, leading to long delays in the dispensation of justice. This backlog is exacerbated by a shortage of judges, leading to a high judge-to-population ratio compared to other countries.

Another major challenge is the lack of access to justice, particularly for marginalized and underprivileged communities. The legal system in India is often perceived as being elitist, costly, and inaccessible to the common man. The complexities of the legal processes, coupled with the high costs involved, make it difficult for many individuals to seek redressal through the courts. Additionally, there are significant disparities in legal aid services across different states, further exacerbating the problem of access to justice.

Flaws in the Legal Justice System in India

In addition to the structural challenges, the legal justice system in India also suffers from several inherent flaws. One of the most glaring flaws is the prevalence of corruption within the judiciary. There have been numerous instances of judicial misconduct, bribery, and abuse of power, which have eroded public trust in the judiciary. The lack of accountability and transparency in the appointment and removal of judges further exacerbates this problem.

Another significant flaw is the excessive delays in the trial process, resulting in a prolonged period of uncertainty and stress for the parties involved. The adversarial nature of the legal system, coupled with the slow pace of trials, often leads to a breakdown of trust in the judicial process. Furthermore, the lack of adequate infrastructure and resources in many courts hampers the smooth functioning of the legal system.

Recommendations for Improvement

In order to address the challenges and flaws in the legal justice system in India, several measures need to be taken. Firstly, there is a need for comprehensive judicial reforms to address the issue of backlog and delays. This could involve the appointment of more judges, the establishment of specialized courts, and the introduction of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. Additionally, there is a need for greater investment in court infrastructure and technology to streamline the legal processes.

Furthermore, efforts should be made to make the legal system more accessible and inclusive. This could involve the provision of legal aid services, the simplification of legal procedures, and the introduction of community legal awareness programs. There is also a need for stricter mechanisms of accountability and transparency to address corruption within the judiciary. This could involve the establishment of an independent judicial oversight body and the introduction of stricter ethical codes for judges.


The legal justice system in India is crucial for maintaining the rule of law and ensuring justice for all. However, it is plagued by a myriad of challenges and flaws that hinder its effectiveness. Addressing these issues will require concerted efforts from all stakeholders – the government, the judiciary, legal professionals, civil society, and the general public. By implementing comprehensive reforms and measures, it is possible to create a legal justice system that is fair, accessible, and effective.

FAQs: Legal justice system critique

1. What is the legal justice system in India?
The legal justice system in India is a complex network of laws, courts, and legal institutions that is designed to ensure equality, fairness, and justice for all.

2. What are the challenges in the legal justice system in India?
Some of the major challenges in the legal justice system in India include the backlog of cases, lack of access to justice, and corruption within the judiciary.

3. How many pending cases are there in Indian courts?
As of December 2020, there were over 35 million pending cases in Indian courts, leading to long delays in the dispensation of justice.

4. What is the judge-to-population ratio in India?
The judge-to-population ratio in India is significantly higher compared to other countries, leading to a shortage of judges and overburdened courts.

5. How accessible is the legal system in India?
The legal system in India is often perceived as being elitist, costly, and inaccessible to the common man, particularly for marginalized and underprivileged communities.

6. What are the flaws in the legal justice system in India?
Some of the major flaws in the legal justice system in India include corruption within the judiciary, excessive delays in the trial process, and lack of infrastructure and resources in many courts.

7. What are some recommendations for improving the legal justice system in India?
Measures to improve the legal justice system in India include judicial reforms to address case backlog and delays, greater investment in court infrastructure and technology, and efforts to make the legal system more accessible and inclusive.

8. How can the issue of corruption within the judiciary be addressed?
The issue of corruption within the judiciary can be addressed through the establishment of an independent judicial oversight body and the introduction of stricter ethical codes for judges.

9. What are alternative dispute resolution mechanisms?
Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms are methods of resolving disputes outside of the traditional court system, such as mediation, arbitration, and conciliation.

10. What is the role of legal aid services in the legal justice system?
Legal aid services aim to provide legal assistance to individuals who cannot afford the cost of legal representation, ensuring that they have access to justice.

11. What is the role of the government in improving the legal justice system?
The government plays a crucial role in improving the legal justice system by implementing comprehensive reforms, investing in court infrastructure, and ensuring accountability and transparency within the judiciary.

12. How can the legal system be made more inclusive?
Efforts to make the legal system more inclusive could involve the provision of legal aid services, simplification of legal procedures, and introduction of community legal awareness programs.

13. What is the significance of accountability and transparency in the legal justice system?
Accountability and transparency are essential to maintain public trust in the legal justice system, ensuring that the judiciary operates with integrity and fairness.

14. What is the role of civil society in reforming the legal justice system?
Civil society plays a crucial role in advocating for judicial reforms, promoting access to justice, and holding the government and judiciary accountable for their actions.

15. What are some examples of successful judicial reforms in other countries?
Some examples of successful judicial reforms in other countries include the introduction of case management systems, specialized courts, and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.

16. How can technology be used to streamline the legal processes?
Technology can be used to streamline the legal processes by digitizing court records, implementing online case management systems, and facilitating virtual court proceedings.

17. What role do legal professionals play in the legal justice system?
Legal professionals, such as lawyers, judges, and legal aid providers, play a crucial role in upholding the rule of law and ensuring access to justice for all.

18. What are the barriers to access to justice in India?
Barriers to access to justice in India include the high costs of legal representation, lack of awareness of legal rights, and the complexities of the legal system.

19. How can legal awareness programs be beneficial?
Legal awareness programs can be beneficial by empowering individuals to know and assert their legal rights, promoting a culture of legal literacy, and increasing access to justice.

20. What role does the media play in the legal justice system?
The media plays a crucial role in bringing issues of judicial misconduct and corruption to light, raising public awareness, and holding the judiciary accountable.

21. How can the public contribute to judicial reforms?
The public can contribute to judicial reforms by advocating for change, raising awareness about legal issues, and participating in public consultations and feedback mechanisms.

22. What are the ethical codes for judges in India?
The ethical codes for judges in India are laid down in the Code of Conduct for Judges, which outlines the standards of judicial behavior and ethical principles.

23. What are the benefits of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms?
The benefits of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms include faster resolution of disputes, lower costs, and greater party autonomy in reaching a resolution.

24. How are judges appointed and removed in India?
Judges in India are appointed by the President of India based on the recommendations of the Collegium system, and they can be removed through a process of impeachment by Parliament.

25. What is the role of paralegals in the legal justice system?
Paralegals play a crucial role in providing legal assistance, conducting legal research, and supporting legal professionals in delivering legal services to the community.

26. How can the legal system be made more transparent?
The legal system can be made more transparent through the publication of judgments, access to court records, and open proceedings to ensure that the administration of justice is conducted in a fair and accountable manner.

By addressing these questions and providing comprehensive responses, this article seeks to offer a detailed analysis of the legal justice system in India and present potential solutions to the challenges and flaws that it faces.


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