This article talks about Quashing of FIR for failure to establish prima facie case


In India, the quashing of a First Information Report (FIR) is a legal process that involves the dismissal of a criminal complaint due to the failure to establish a prima facie case against the accused. This process is governed by the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, and is a crucial aspect of the Indian legal system. Understanding the criteria and procedure for quashing an FIR is essential for both the accused and the legal professionals involved in the case.

Quashing of FIR for Failure to Establish Prima Facie Case: Understanding the Legal Process in India

Criteria for Quashing an FIR

The quashing of an FIR can be sought under Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. The High Court has the inherent power to quash an FIR if it finds that the allegations made in the complaint do not disclose the commission of a cognizable offense. The court may also quash an FIR if it finds that the allegations are frivolous, vexatious, or motivated by malice.

Failure to Establish Prima Facie Case

In order to quash an FIR, the accused must demonstrate that the allegations made in the complaint do not constitute a prima facie case against them. This means that the evidence presented in the FIR is insufficient to establish the commission of a cognizable offense. The accused can argue that the allegations are based on conjecture, speculation, or lack of credible evidence.

Legal Process for Quashing an FIR

The process of quashing an FIR involves filing a petition before the High Court under Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. The accused must provide evidence and legal arguments to support their claim that the FIR should be quashed. The court will then examine the evidence and determine whether there is a prima facie case against the accused. If the court finds that the allegations are baseless or lack merit, it may quash the FIR.


The quashing of an FIR for failure to establish a prima facie case is a legal process that requires thorough understanding and legal expertise. It is essential for the accused to seek the guidance of a competent lawyer to navigate through the process and present a strong case for the quashing of the FIR. The criteria and procedure for quashing an FIR are crucial aspects of the Indian legal system, and it is important for the accused to be aware of their rights and options in such cases.

FAQs on Quashing of FIR for Failure to Establish Prima Facie Case

1. Can an FIR be quashed if the allegations are based on hearsay?
Yes, if the allegations in the FIR are based solely on hearsay and lack any credible evidence, the High Court may quash the FIR.

2. What is the role of the accused in the process of quashing an FIR?
The accused must file a petition before the High Court and provide evidence and legal arguments to support their claim for quashing the FIR.

3. Can the police file a charge sheet if the FIR has been quashed?
No, if the FIR is quashed, the police cannot file a charge sheet against the accused based on the same allegations.

4. Can a quashed FIR be revived in the future?
No, once an FIR is quashed, it cannot be revived or re-registered based on the same allegations.

5. What are the grounds for quashing an FIR under Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973?
The High Court may quash an FIR if it finds that the allegations do not disclose the commission of a cognizable offense or are frivolous, vexatious, or motivated by malice.

6. Can a quashed FIR be used as evidence in a civil case?
No, a quashed FIR cannot be used as evidence in any legal proceeding.

7. Is it necessary to hire a lawyer for quashing an FIR?
It is advisable to hire a lawyer who is well-versed in criminal law to represent the accused in the process of quashing an FIR.

8. Can the quashing of an FIR be appealed by the complainant?
Yes, the complainant can file an appeal against the quashing of an FIR before a higher court.

9. What is the time frame for quashing an FIR?
There is no specific time frame for quashing an FIR, and it depends on the discretion of the High Court.

10. Can a quashed FIR be expunged from the records?
Yes, a quashed FIR can be expunged from the records to ensure that it does not affect the reputation of the accused.

11. Can the accused be arrested again after the quashing of an FIR?
If the FIR is quashed, the accused cannot be arrested again based on the same allegations.

12. Can the accused seek compensation for false allegations in the quashed FIR?
Yes, the accused can file a separate civil suit for compensation for false allegations made in the quashed FIR.

13. Can the accused seek interim relief during the process of quashing an FIR?
Yes, the accused can seek interim relief from the High Court to prevent any coercive action by the police based on the FIR.

14. What is the role of the complainant in the process of quashing an FIR?
The complainant can oppose the petition for quashing the FIR and present their arguments before the High Court.

15. Can a quashed FIR be used as a precedent in future cases?
Yes, the judgment of the High Court quashing an FIR can be used as a precedent in future cases involving similar allegations.

16. Can the accused be interrogated by the police after the quashing of an FIR?
No, if the FIR is quashed, the police cannot interrogate the accused based on the same allegations.

17. Can the quashing of an FIR be sought in cases of non-cognizable offenses?
No, the quashing of an FIR under Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, is applicable only to cognizable offenses.

18. Can the accused seek quashing of an FIR before the Sessions Court?
No, the accused must file a petition for quashing an FIR before the High Court under Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.

19. What is the cost involved in the process of quashing an FIR?
The cost of quashing an FIR may vary depending on the legal fees of the lawyer and any court fees involved in filing the petition.

20. Can the accused seek quashing of an FIR before the investigation is completed?
Yes, the accused can file a petition for quashing an FIR at any stage of the investigation before the charge sheet is filed.

21. Can the quashing of an FIR be sought in cases of economic offenses?
Yes, the quashing of an FIR can be sought in cases of economic offenses if the allegations do not constitute a prima facie case against the accused.

22. Can the quashing of an FIR be sought in cases of domestic violence?
Yes, the quashing of an FIR can be sought in cases of domestic violence if the allegations lack merit or are based on false accusations.

23. Can the accused seek quashing of an FIR in cases of sexual offenses?
Yes, the accused can seek quashing of an FIR in cases of sexual offenses if the allegations are found to be false or lack credible evidence.

24. Can the accused seek quashing of an FIR in cases of corruption charges?
Yes, the accused can seek quashing of an FIR in cases of corruption charges if the allegations are not supported by credible evidence.

25. Can the quashing of an FIR be sought in cases of political or public interest?
Yes, the accused can seek quashing of an FIR in cases of political or public interest if the allegations are found to be frivolous, vexatious, or motivated by malice.


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