This article talks about Quashing of FIR for lack of jurisdiction

Quashing of FIR for Lack of Jurisdiction: Understanding the Legal Process in India


In India, the filing of a First Information Report (FIR) is the first step in the criminal justice process. However, there are instances where an FIR may be quashed by the courts for lack of jurisdiction. This article will provide an in-depth understanding of the legal process involved in quashing an FIR for lack of jurisdiction in India.

What is an FIR and its Importance in Indian Law?

An FIR is a written document that is filed with the police to report a criminal offense. It is the first step in the criminal justice process and sets the wheels in motion for the investigation and prosecution of the alleged crime. The FIR is an important legal document as it provides the basis for the initiation of criminal proceedings.

Grounds for Quashing an FIR for Lack of Jurisdiction

There are several grounds on which an FIR can be quashed for lack of jurisdiction in India. These include:

1. Lack of territorial jurisdiction: If the alleged offense does not fall within the jurisdiction of the police station where the FIR has been filed, it can be quashed for lack of jurisdiction.

2. Lack of subject matter jurisdiction: If the alleged offense does not fall within the purview of the criminal laws that the police station is empowered to enforce, the FIR can be quashed.

3. Lack of legal authority: If the police do not have the legal authority to investigate and prosecute the alleged offense, the FIR can be quashed.

Legal Process for Quashing an FIR for Lack of Jurisdiction

The legal process for quashing an FIR for lack of jurisdiction in India involves filing a petition before the High Court or the Supreme Court, depending on the nature of the case. The petitioner must provide evidence and legal arguments to support their claim that the FIR should be quashed for lack of jurisdiction.

Role of the Court in Quashing an FIR for Lack of Jurisdiction

The court plays a crucial role in determining whether an FIR should be quashed for lack of jurisdiction. The court will review the evidence and legal arguments presented by the petitioner and the respondent, and make a decision based on the merits of the case.


In conclusion, the quashing of an FIR for lack of jurisdiction is a complex legal process in India. It involves filing a petition before the appropriate court and providing evidence and legal arguments to support the claim. The court plays a crucial role in determining whether the FIR should be quashed based on lack of jurisdiction.

FAQs:Quashing of FIR for lack of jurisdiction

1. What is the process for quashing an FIR for lack of jurisdiction in India?
The process involves filing a petition before the High Court or the Supreme Court and providing evidence and legal arguments to support the claim.

2. What are the grounds for quashing an FIR for lack of jurisdiction?
The grounds include lack of territorial jurisdiction, lack of subject matter jurisdiction, and lack of legal authority.

3. Can the police investigate and prosecute an offense outside their jurisdiction?
No, the police must operate within their territorial and subject matter jurisdiction.

4. What role does the court play in quashing an FIR for lack of jurisdiction?
The court reviews the evidence and legal arguments and makes a decision based on the merits of the case.

5. Can a quashed FIR be re-filed in a different jurisdiction?
Yes, if the alleged offense falls within the jurisdiction of another police station, the FIR can be re-filed.

6. What happens if the court does not quash the FIR for lack of jurisdiction?
The investigation and prosecution of the alleged offense will continue within the jurisdiction of the police station where the FIR was filed.

7. Is it necessary to hire a lawyer for quashing an FIR for lack of jurisdiction?
It is advisable to seek legal representation to navigate the complex legal process involved in quashing an FIR.

8. How long does the process for quashing an FIR for lack of jurisdiction take?
The timeline can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the workload of the court.

9. Can an FIR be quashed for lack of jurisdiction without a court order?
No, the quashing of an FIR for lack of jurisdiction requires a court order.

10. Can the quashing of an FIR for lack of jurisdiction be appealed?
Yes, the decision of the court can be appealed to a higher court if there are grounds for doing so.

11. What evidence is required to support the claim for quashing an FIR for lack of jurisdiction?
Evidence that demonstrates lack of territorial, subject matter, or legal authority jurisdiction is required.

12. Can the quashing of an FIR for lack of jurisdiction be challenged by the police?
Yes, the police can present their arguments and evidence to challenge the claim for quashing the FIR.

13. Can a quashed FIR impact the reputation of the accused?
The quashing of an FIR can have implications on the reputation of the accused, as it signifies that the allegations were baseless.

14. Can the quashing of an FIR for lack of jurisdiction result in compensation for the accused?
In some cases, the court may order compensation for the accused if the quashing of the FIR was unjustified.

15. What happens to the evidence collected by the police if the FIR is quashed for lack of jurisdiction?
The evidence collected by the police becomes inadmissible if the FIR is quashed, and the investigation is terminated.

16. Can the quashing of an FIR for lack of jurisdiction be challenged by the complainant?
Yes, the complainant can challenge the quashing of the FIR if they believe it was unjustified.

17. Can the quashing of an FIR for lack of jurisdiction be based on technicalities?
The quashing of an FIR for lack of jurisdiction must be based on legal grounds and not technicalities.

18. Can the quashing of an FIR for lack of jurisdiction be based on the conduct of the police?
Yes, if the conduct of the police indicates a lack of jurisdiction, it can be a ground for quashing the FIR.

19. Can the quashing of an FIR for lack of jurisdiction be based on the conduct of the complainant?
Yes, if the conduct of the complainant indicates a lack of jurisdiction, it can be a ground for quashing the FIR.

20. Can the quashing of an FIR for lack of jurisdiction be based on the conduct of the accused?
Yes, if the conduct of the accused indicates a lack of jurisdiction, it can be a ground for quashing the FIR.

21. Can the quashing of an FIR for lack of jurisdiction be based on the conduct of the witnesses?
Yes, if the conduct of the witnesses indicates a lack of jurisdiction, it can be a ground for quashing the FIR.

22. Can the quashing of an FIR for lack of jurisdiction be based on the conduct of the victim?
Yes, if the conduct of the victim indicates a lack of jurisdiction, it can be a ground for quashing the FIR.

23. Can the quashing of an FIR for lack of jurisdiction be based on the conduct of the court?
Yes, if the conduct of the court indicates a lack of jurisdiction, it can be a ground for quashing the FIR.

24. Can the quashing of an FIR for lack of jurisdiction be based on the conduct of the government?
Yes, if the conduct of the government indicates a lack of jurisdiction, it can be a ground for quashing the FIR.

25. Can the quashing of an FIR for lack of jurisdiction be based on the conduct of the public?
Yes, if the conduct of the public indicates a lack of jurisdiction, it can be a ground for quashing the FIR.


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