Quashing of FIR An In-Depth Explanation


The First Information Report (FIR) is a critical document in the Indian legal system, as it marks the beginning of any criminal investigation. However, there are instances where an FIR is filed with malicious intent, baseless allegations, or when a settlement has been reached between the parties involved. To address such situations, the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) provides a mechanism for quashing FIRs. In this article, we will delve into the details of quashing an FIR, the grounds for doing so, and the guidelines that govern this process.

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Understanding the Quashing of FIR

Quashing an FIR is the legal process by which a court nullifies the initial complaint and halts criminal proceedings associated with it. This is done when the court believes that continuing with the case would be unjust, an abuse of the legal process, or contrary to the principles of natural justice. The power to quash an FIR is vested in both the High Courts under Section 482 of the CrPC and the Supreme Court under Article 136 and Article 142 of the Constitution of India.

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Quashing of FIR: An In-Depth Explanation

Quashing an FIR is not an arbitrary decision, and it must be based on specific legal reasons. The grounds for quashing an FIR may include:

  1. Lack of Prima Facie Case: When there is insufficient or no credible evidence to support the charges in the FIR, the court may quash it.
  2. Settlement between Parties: If the involved parties have reached a compromise, and justice is not compromised, the court may quash the FIR. This is common in minor offenses and private disputes.
  3. Abuse of Process of Law: If it’s evident that the FIR is filed with malicious intent, mala fide motives, or to settle personal scores, the court may intervene to prevent misuse of the legal system.
  4. Violation of Fundamental Rights: If the FIR or the investigative actions infringe upon the accused’s fundamental rights, the court may quash the FIR.
  5. No Legal Sanction for Prosecution: If the actions alleged in the FIR do not constitute a criminal offense under the applicable law, the court may quash the FIR.
  6. Factual Innocence: When it’s proven that the accused is factually innocent of the alleged offense, the court may quash the FIR.
  7. FIR based on Frivolous or Unsubstantiated Grounds: If the FIR is based on trivial or unsubstantiated grounds, the court may quash it.
  8. Violation of Procedural Safeguards: If there are significant procedural irregularities or violations during the investigation, the court may consider quashing the FIR.
  9. Double Jeopardy: If the accused has been previously prosecuted or punished for the same offense, the FIR may be quashed on the grounds of double jeopardy.
  10. Prejudice to Fair Trial: If continuing with the criminal proceedings would lead to a prejudiced or unfair trial, the court may quash the FIR.
  11. Civil in Nature: When the complaint in the FIR pertains to a civil matter.

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Guidelines for Quashing FIR

The Supreme Court has laid down specific guidelines for the High Courts to consider when quashing an FIR under Section 482 of the CrPC. These guidelines are meant to ensure the proper exercise of this power and include:

  1. Cognizant Reasoning: The High Court must provide clear and well-founded explanations for quashing the FIR.
  2. Legal vs. Factual Matters: The power should not be used for disputes involving both legal interpretation and factual evaluation.
  3. Preservation of Legal Remedies: The court should not preclude the complainant from pursuing legal remedies unless the complaint lacks any material for trial.
  4. Absence of Prima Facie Offense: The FIR can be quashed when it does not establish an initial indication of an offense.
  5. Non-Interference with Trial Jurisdiction: The High Court should not encroach upon the trial court’s domain of evaluating evidence.
  6. Prevention of Abuse and Justice: The primary purpose of the power is to prevent misuse of the judicial process and ensure justice.
  7. Interference with Judicial Process: The power can be invoked if the criminal proceedings themselves are being used to abuse the legal system.
  8. Absurd and Inherently Improbable Allegations: The power can be used when allegations are unreasonable and inherently unlikely.
  9. Evidence Examination Limitation: The power should not be used to decide disputes based on evidence recorded in the case.
  10. Case-Specific Decision: The decision to quash the FIR should consider the unique aspects of the case.

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Different Situations

In addition to these guidelines, there are specific situations where the quashing of FIR is applicable:

  1. Quashing of FIR in Matrimonial Cases: Parties can file FIRs in matrimonial disputes, and if they resolve their differences, the High Court can accept their petition to quash the FIR.
  2. Quashing of FIR after Conviction: Even after conviction, a court can still quash the FIR for non-heinous offenses if a compromise is reached between the parties.
  3. Interim Orders in Quashing Petitions: The High Court must use the same procedure for interim orders in quashing petitions as it does when quashing an FIR.


The power to quash an FIR is a vital mechanism in the Indian legal system to ensure justice, prevent misuse of the legal process, and protect the rights of the accused. The guidelines and grounds for quashing are carefully defined, and the decision to quash an FIR is always based on the specific circumstances of each case. This power, vested in the High Courts and the Supreme Court, serves as a safeguard against frivolous or malicious prosecutions and reinforces the principles of fairness and justice in the Indian legal system.

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  1. What is an FIR? Answer: An FIR, or First Information Report, is a written document that records the information about a cognizable offense committed and is the first step in criminal proceedings.
  2. Can an FIR be quashed by the High Court or Supreme Court? Answer: Yes, both the High Court and Supreme Court have the power to quash an FIR under certain circumstances.
  3. What is the purpose of quashing an FIR? Answer: The primary purpose of quashing an FIR is to prevent misuse of the legal process and ensure justice is served.
  4. Who can apply for the quashing of an FIR? Answer: Any individual who is implicated in an FIR can apply for its quashing, provided they meet the grounds for doing so.
  5. Are there specific grounds for quashing an FIR? Answer: Yes, there are several grounds for quashing an FIR, such as a lack of prima facie case, settlement between parties, and abuse of process of law.
  6. What is meant by “lack of prima facie case”? Answer: It means that there is insufficient or no credible evidence to support the charges made in the FIR.
  7. Can an FIR be quashed if the parties involved have reached a compromise? Answer: Yes, if a compromise is reached and justice is not compromised, the court may quash the FIR.
  8. What is mala fide intent in the context of quashing an FIR? Answer: Mala fide intent refers to malicious intent or wrongful motives behind filing an FIR.
  9. Can fundamental rights violations lead to the quashing of an FIR? Answer: Yes, if the FIR or investigative actions infringe upon the accused’s fundamental rights, the court may intervene and quash the FIR.
  10. What is the procedure for applying for the quashing of an FIR? Answer: The procedure involves approaching the High Court with a formal application that provides comprehensive information about the FIR, including the allegations, complainant, and accused details.
  11. What is the expected duration for quashing an FIR to be completed? Answer: The duration can vary between 10 days to 3 months, depending on the specifics of the case, and typically involves 2 to 4 court sessions.
  12. Can an FIR be quashed for any civil dispute? Answer: Quashing an FIR for civil disputes is possible, but it depends on the circumstances and legal grounds.
  13. Can an FIR be quashed for matrimonial issues? Answer: Yes, FIRs related to matrimonial issues can be quashed, especially when the parties involved have resolved their differences.
  14. What happens when an FIR is quashed? Answer: When an FIR is quashed, the criminal proceedings associated with it are halted, and it is treated as if it never existed.
  15. Can an FIR be quashed after a person has been convicted? Answer: Yes, an FIR can be quashed even after conviction, particularly for non-heinous offenses.
  16. What is the role of the High Court in quashing an FIR? Answer: The High Court is responsible for assessing the merits of the case and deciding whether the FIR should be quashed or not.
  17. What are the principles that govern the quashing of an FIR in India? Answer: The Supreme Court has established various principles and guidelines to govern the quashing of FIRs in India.
  18. What is meant by the “interests of justice” in quashing an FIR? Answer: It means that the court must ensure that justice is upheld while considering whether to quash the FIR.
  19. Can FIRs related to heinous offenses be quashed? Answer: Generally, FIRs related to heinous offenses like murder and rape are not quashed, as they have significant societal consequences.
  20. Are economic offenses eligible for quashing? Answer: Economic offenses that impact the financial and economic welfare of the state may not be quashed, as they transcend private disputes.
  21. Can an accused approach the High Court directly for quashing an FIR? Answer: Yes, an accused can approach the High Court directly for the quashing of an FIR if the circumstances warrant it.
  22. What is the “double jeopardy” ground for quashing an FIR? Answer: “Double jeopardy” means that an accused cannot be tried or punished for the same offense more than once. If applicable, this can be a ground for quashing an FIR.
  23. Are there exceptions to quashing an FIR for civil disputes? Answer: Yes, civil cases that are intertwined with commercial, financial, or mercantile transactions might be considered for quashing, especially if the parties have reached an agreement.
  24. What are “inherent powers” of the High Court? Answer: Inherent powers are those powers that are not explicitly provided by statute but are essential for the court to fulfill its functions and deliver justice.
  25. Can a quashed FIR be revived later? Answer: Generally, once an FIR is quashed, it cannot be revived. However, if new evidence emerges, a fresh FIR can be filed.
  26. Is the quashing of an FIR the same as compounding an offense? Answer: No,


  1. https://lawfoyer.in/quashing-of-first-information-report-criminal-complaint-and-
  2. https://indiankanoon.org/doc/7293093/
  3. https://www.legalserviceindia.com/legal/article-2898-section-482-crpc-quashing-of-fir-guidelines-set-out-by-the-hon-ble-supreme-court-of-india
  4. https://indiankanoon.org/doc/1033637/
  5. https://corpbiz.io/quashing-of-fir


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